Riding a bike is a convenient and fun way to get around town or go on long-distance trips, but did you know that there are health benefits as well? Believe it or not, your motorcycle is actually helping you stay in shape. We’ve gathered some of the incredible health benefits of riding a motorcycle in this brief guide.

Improve Brain Health

Hop on your motorcycle and you’ll be completely engaged in the ride from start to finish. On the other hand, driving a car is a passive activity. It doesn’t take long for highway hypnosis to take over and you find that you’ve traveled for a long time but can’t even recall that part of the journey. Other than using your hands to steer, your body mostly remains still for the rest of the car ride. At most, your brain will become more involved when a threat appears.

On the other hand, while riding a motorcycle, your brain is much more engaged since you’re facing constant obstacles on the road. Everyone around you on the road is bigger and potholes are more dangerous. You’ll be continuously scanning the area to check for any hazards, and this activity is like a full workout for your brain.

Muscle Workout

As you ride, you engage your core, back, neck, and shoulders to maintain a proper riding posture. You also engage your leg muscles when you steer. When you think about it, riding your motorcycle is like a full-body workout that’s much more enjoyable than hitting the gym and doing a bunch of reps. The best part is that while you engage in this form of low-impact exercise, you’ll be heading to an exciting destination on your bike.

Reduce Stress

Whenever you engage in an enjoyable activity, your brain releases adrenaline and endorphins. These chemicals provide you with positivity and energy, which are effects that can be felt long after your ride is complete. Riding your motorcycle can also help keep negative chemicals at bay, such as stress-causing cortisol.

Exposure to Vitamin D

Finally, when you hit the road for a ride, you’re exposed to sunshine. This is an excellent way to get a nice dose of vitamin D, which plays an important role in keeping up a good mood and reducing stress levels. Of course, you’ll want to wear sunscreen, so that your skin is protected from harsh sun rays.

We hope that this guide helps you to take full advantage of the health benefits of riding a bike. If you’re still in search of a motorcycle, visit Corpus Christi Cycle Plaza to start exploring our inventory. You’ll find us in Corpus Christi, TX, and we welcome all those coming from Victoria and Kingsville.